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Yuki Kelly

Yuki Kelly is a fabric artist and quilter, passionate kung fu pre-practitioner, well-loved child caretaker, and Qi-focused esthetician with over 30 years of experience living in the United States.

Having sewn more than 20,000 little pouches, 500 pillow quilts, 2,000 Sushi Chef hats, and countless more needleworks, Yuki is preparing to realize her dream of putting her at-home Industrial Sewing machine to professional use.

Yuki has practiced Kung Fu for more than 15 years, and learned how Qi flows. Known for using this technique by her clients at spaRelaken in Torrance, CA, she’s earned the nickname and title, “Esthetician yuQi”.

Yuki believes that keeping Rinri in mind makes a big difference on oneself and their environment, and deeply appreciates how the environment seems to change in her favor. She has learned the value of expressing who she truly is, and has been tapping into her personal potential!

Yuki Kelly received the Rookie of the Year Award in 2019 as a Career Agent. She currently manages three different lines of work.


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